Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Introducing Me...

About 3 years ago I made a spur of the moment decision to move half way across the country to Fort Worth, TX. I grew up in the outskirts of Boston, MA for the first 23 years of my life. As much as I loved it there I always knew I wouldn't stay there for good. So when a friend of mine moved to Texas, I was able to come visit. The last time I "visited" I ended up extending my stay for 3 weeks and found myself interviewing for a job. After getting the job, I proceeded to fly back to Boston, pack all of my belonging into my car and 3 suitcases in a time period of 2 days and flew back to Texas to begin my new life.

If you knew me at all you would know this was highly out of character, it was normal for me to get anxiety driving an hour from my house let alone across the country. It was not surprising to have almost everyone I knew telling me I wasn’t going to last more than a month here. I was quick to believe them at first, the first few weeks being extremely nerve racking and scary. But once I passed the "OH MY GOD IM STUCK IN TEXAS" stage I began growing into the person I always knew I could be.

Now that I have given a little background on myself, I will explain a little about what this blog will be used for. I have always been interested in writing. Whether it be reading novels by Jane Austen or Charles Dickens or writing quirky or depressing poems, I have always been fascinated with the power of words.  Their ability to take you to a place you have never been or feel a feeling that someone wants you to feel. Fascinating. The more I read and write the more I want to continue. I recently took a creative writing course that allowed me to explore the world of short stories. This was new territory for me and I was excited to find that it was something I enjoyed immensely, though I don’t consider myself a true writer, I enjoy doing it and would love feedback to help me grow in the world of writing. I will be posting everything from flash fiction, short stories and poetry to my random rants on whatever is going on in my life. This may or may not be what you are interested in but I hope I at least make an impact on someone. Enjoy! 

-Boston ;)  

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